Constraint capacity corresponds to enforcing plane strain conditions, i.e. nil-levels of
lateral contraction across the crack front. This definition is best understood in terms of
the plastic zone developed at the crack front of a
specimen. If
can be measured,
then the plastic zone is very small because of plane strain conditions. When constraint
relaxation evolves, the plastic zone size increases and eventually becomes large related
to the section size, Figs. 10 to 12. The complexity of the problem is indicated not only by
different view of fractographs in Fig. 12, presenting final stretch zones for the weld and
HAZ of the same steel, but also by the their values obtained at 20
C and at -60
C (Table
1). It is clear that micro structure in the region of crack tip is heterogeneous, and the
response of material to the load is locally different. Crack tip is located in different micro
structures and after blunting crack grows in different conditions. It this case structural
integrity can be assessed by global consideration, i.e. energy dissipation.
2.3. Extension of application of fracture mechanics parameters
Once establish, and supported by mathematical background, basic parameters of
fracture mechanics, stress intensity factor, path independent contour integral (
and crack opening displacement, have found the application also in the other fields. In
addition to brittle behaviour, steel and metallic materials frequently exhibited significant
plastic deformation, and the application to crack growth beyond yielding, (elastic-plastic
fracture mechanics - EPFM) is helpful in this situation.
Well known Paris law based on stress intensity factor range, although empirical in its
nature, is a powerful tool to solving the problems in fatigue. Looking for solutions of
important problems with the crack in creep condition,
integrals are derived
base on
integral. The crack problem in stress corrosion environment is also considered
applying critical stress intensity factor,
It is to emphasis that performed extensions were possible only after introduction of
series of assumptions, simplifications and approximations, necessary to cover uncer-
tainties and shortage in knowledge.
Following the experience and using it in a similar way, fracture mechanics and its
parameters are involved also for nano materials and nano structures /1/, but again with
series of assumptions, simplifications and approximations, and applying broadly methods
of simulations and modelling.
2.4. Structural integrity assessment by fracture mechanics
The achievement in fracture mechanics and numerical modelling of structures
enabled the development of methods for reliability evaluation and structural integrity
assessment. Applying these methods service safety of structures is increased and their
life extended, allowing in the same time significant economical saving. Numerical
modelling is today an inevitable tool in different structures design, manufacturing and
use, like steel structures, power and petrochemical plants, aircrafts, machinery, vehicles,
but also in the development of nano materials and structures. Welded structures have
very important position in many of these sectors, requiring special attention. The reason
is the possibility of crack occurrence in welded joints, which can endanger structural
integrity and service safety /15/.
Fracture mechanics approach was applied and has been formally accepted in the case
of Trans Alaska Crude Oil Pipeline /16/ for reliability assessment in the form of "fitness-
for-purpose". The investigation defined theoretically and verified experimentally maxi-