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Sedmak, A., „

Primena mehanike loma na integritet konstrukcija

“, Univerzitet u Beogradu,

Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, (2003). (in Serbian) (The application of fracture mechanics to

structural integrity)


Burdekin, F.M., Dawes, M.G., „

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Mechanics with Particular Reference in Pressure Vessels

“, Proc. of the Institute of Mechanical

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A methodology approach in modelling and calculating the

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strength assessment of a pressure vessel with surface crack)

15. D.T.Rid, „

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“, III letnja škola mehanike loma, Aranđelovac, (1984). (in Serbian) (Fracture

mechanics analysis and curves of allowable defect sizes for surface cracks in pipelines)

16. Aleksić, V., Arsić, M., „

Procena čvrstoće zavarenih spojeva na tankim cilindričnim ljuskama

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pp. 123 – 126. (in Serbian) (Assessment of welded joint strength on thin cylindrical shells

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Inženjerske metode za proračun parametara mehanike

loma zavarenij spojeva

”, IFMASS 7, TMF-JSZ-GOŠA, 2000, p. 305. (in Serbian).

(Engineering methods for calculating fracture mechanics parameters of welded joints)