Figure 11: View of deformed nozzle region
Structural stability is assured, since stress and strain values are in allowable limits.
This calculation is an example of general approach in new regulations to technical
harmonization of pressure equipment (PED 97/23/EC), which are related to structural
integrity, i.e. to basic strength safety, calculation and design conditions.
4.2. Analysis of axial crack in welded thin cylindrical shells by REI model
Elastic-plastic analysis of thin cylindrical shells with an axial crack can be analysed by
REI model, with basic assumptions helped to formulate and solve equations:
crack shape is rectangular (crack depth is constant) (Fig. 12. a);
there is no transversal shear (Kirchhoff’s assumptions for thin shells hold good);
material is ideally plastic (there is no strain hardening).
Figure 12: Internal crack in shell with fully plastic ligament
In addition, it is adopted that net cross section, for –
, is fully plastic and it
transmits only membrane stresses close to yield stress value (Fig. 12. c). It is also adopted