ferrite and related microstructures, due to poor toughness of bainitic/martensitic micro-
structures /15, 16/. Since bainites and acicular ferrite nucleates in the same temperature
interval, the main difference between them is related to nucleation places. While bainites
nucleate on austenitic grain boundaries, acicular ferrite nucleates on the particles within
the grains. Therefore, it is suggested that particles are necessary for nucleation of acicular
ferrite. The extent of nucleation depends, among others, on composition, crystal structure,
number, size and interparticle distance. Second condition is grain size on annealing tem-
perature, i.e. grain should have some optimal size, rather larger than smaller, because
larger grains will decrease temperature of austenite decomposition, to the temperature
range in which acicular ferrite is a dominant structure. Hardenability has similar role.
Second phase particles are usually oxides and nitrides or sulphides; MnS particles served
as preferential places for precipitation of VN, which has great potential for nucleation of
intragranular proeutectoid ferrite (intragranularly nucleated ferrite – INI), which in turn
serves as nucleation site for acicular ferrite /15, 24/. Therefore, even considerably high
content of sulphur (130 ppm) did not damaged toughness, i.e. nucleation of acicular
ferrite would be not possible without MnS particles. This conclusion is very important for
further practical design of materials /25/.
Service life with present crack, introduced in fracture mechanics has been adopted in
materials science also, i.e. in spite of the presence of particles in steels, their control allow
the application of materials.. On the other hand, the requirement for clean steel is
necessary, like in use of seamless tubes /26/. The benefit of carbides in wear resistant and
tool steels/27/, and influence of impurities on deformation and fracture behaviour in
aluminium 7000 series alloys /28/, although important are not discussed in this
Development of material that can meet all requirements together with reasonably low
costs is the eternal question and challenge.
Based on knowledge of fracture mechanics, consideration of particles in steel is not
only in direction of lower content of impurities, but more to CONTROL of shape and
distribution of second phase particles. It is much easier and reasonably cheaper to control
the shape of inclusions, than to produce super clean steel. If the shape of second phase is
modified into sphere, than low stress concentration will occur. Also, by its influence on
grain refinement and transformation behaviour, the presence of particles turned to be
beneficial and unavoidable.
R.W.Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, J.Wiley and
Sons, New York (1996)
J.F.Knott, Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics, Butterworths, London (1973)
Dj.Drobnjak, Lecture Notes, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade (1996)
Kiessling, R., Nordberg, H.,
Influence of Inclusions on Mechanical Properties of Steel,
Production and Application of Clean Steels, Iron and Steel Institute, London (1972) p.179
Brooksbank.D, Andrews, K.W,
Stress Field Around Inclusions and Their Relation to
Mechanical Properties
, Production and Application of Clean Steels, Iron and Stel INstitute,
London (1972) p.186.