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There are different methods in industrial use to apply the weld thermal cycle:

Gleeble HAZ Simulation,

induction heating and cooling in an oil bath and

heating in a hot salt bath and cooling in a moderate tempered salt bath.

The main objective of all these techniques is to apply the weld thermal cycle as

measurable in a distinct sub region of the HAZ to a sample with larger testing volume. In

the following these methods are described, /17, 18/.

4.1. GLEEBLE welding simulation

Gleeble simulation is a very useful tool for the determination of the microstructure in

the HAZ. By the controlled application of thermal and/or thermo mechanical cycles

according to particular weldments geometry and the welding parameters, nearly every

position in the weldments can be produced representatively and the microstructure can be

investigated using conventional or sophisticated skilful techniques.

Due to the high electric power available (maximum current is about 6000 A), round

(also rectangular) specimens up to diameter of 16 mm, about 140 mm long, can be used.

In order to determine a specific (creep) property of a particular region in the HAZ the

weld thermal cycle is fed in the control computer and samples is heated up very rapidly

(heating rates up to 10000 K/s) to the desired peak temperature by direct current flow

with up to 6000 A. The cooling is very well controlled; faster cooling rates can be

reached by reducing the free span between the jaws or by external gas cooling. The

resulting microstructure in the middle of the test specimen, where the thermocouple is

located, is then exactly the same as in real weldments at the considered position.

4.2. Induction heating and oil quenching

The HAZ simulation is performed by means of inductive overheating on 180 mm long

round specimens Ø 20 mm. After heating up in a coil (heating time up to 1300°C is 35 s)

and hold at peak temperature for several seconds, the specimens are dropped into an oil

bath. The typical cooling time after 1300°C peak temperature is 10 s for the range from

800 to 500°C (




). The homogenous structure in the specimens has a length of 70 mm.

4.3. Salt bath heating and quenching

For the simulation technique of this kind a rough machined specimen is heated up by a

hot salt bath corresponding to the desired peak temperature. After the specimen has

reached the peak temperature, it is transferred to another salt bath having a much lower

temperature (about 100°C). In order to get a specimen with uniform microstructure,

different cooling times can be realized by variation of size and temperature of the second

salt bath.

4.4. Comparison of the HAZ simulation techniques

The Gleeble HAZ simulation is most flexible (with the capacity for a larger range of

heat inputs) and controllable method giving the best agreement with the actual weld

thermal cycle. The length of constant microstructure is limited (about 10 mm), which has

consequences with the respect to the gauge length.

The other two methods provide a uniform microstructure along the whole specimen

length, the heating rate is much slower and the applicable cooling time is quite restricted.

They are mainly used for larger testing samples and series or for first screening tests.