This solution, originally developed for castings, had significant positive impact on
improvement of welded structures. First, the toughness of weld metal was increased and
secondly, the temperature interval for solidification was narrowed, leading to smaller
chances for solidification hot cracking /19/.
4.1 Influence of particles on grain size
One of the most important problem in welding of low carbon steels was abnormal
grain growth in the heat-affected-zone (HAZ). The weld pool, as the heat source, would
rise the temperature of steel very close to melting point. In order to find practically
applicable solution, the main idea was to modify the alloying and introduce elements that
would produce precipitates on the grain boundaries. Once the particles that are present on
the grain boundary would be able to suppress the grain boundary mobility and delay the
grain growth to times much longer than time for welding. The solution was found in Ti
addition /10-14,19/.
As indicated before, titanium is an element, which exhibits a strong tendency to form
oxides and sulphides as well as nitrides and carbides. Titanium nitride, considering most
typical nitrogen levels in steel, will be formed before or during solidification. Such
particles, already formed in the liquid steel can be separated into the slag and have no
effect on the properties of the steel. If not, they are relatively large as a result of their high
formation temperature and must be considered as inclusions, having a ductility-impairing
effect on the steel properties. With a larger particle size, the ability to refine the micro-
structure is diminished. However, a positive effect on the steel properties remains from
the formation of TiO and TiN by the reduction of any free oxygen and nitrogen, which
are harmful elements with regard of the toughness of steel /20/.
On very high temperatures in steel, atoms of titanium would react with atoms of
nitrogen in solid solution. The newly formed precipitates will occur on the grain
boundaries, since they are preferential places for precipitation, due to thermodynamic
reasons (Eq. 3).
The solubility (maximal amount of nitrogen and titanium in solid solution at
respective temperature) can be calculated using Eq. (4) /20-22/
[ ][ ]
Ti N
= −
where [Ti] and [N] are concentration of Ti and N in steel, respectively, in weight per-
is temperature, K,
are constants. Their values depend on the temperature
and state of steel (liquid or solid) /21,22/.
TiN particles decorate the austenite grain boundaries and mechanically block their
movement. Only in the case of very high heat input (either high temperature or long
time), TiN particles will start to coarsen. In the cast condition TiN particles are present in
diameter 1 to 3 micrometer, which will hardly be dissolved during reheating. During the
coarsening, small particles become dissolved, and large particles become even larger,
coarser. During this process, some segments of grain boundaries can be TiN-free, and can
start growth particularly in fusion zone /14, 19/.
4.2. Influence of particles on phase transformation
Influence of particles on phase transformations can be observed as: (i) influence on
recrystallization and (ii) influence on austenite decomposition.