deformation localization appears within the shear bands at micro-scale and, finally,
material separation by fracture occurs at macroscopic level. It is to mention that
significant simplifications are necessary here, which have to be proved as conservative
by experiments.
In Fig. 18 hierarchical simulation approach is presented, as devised for assessing and
optimizing the mechanical behaviour of Cybersteel /1/. At quantum scale, the failure
mechanism is initiated by bonds breaking at inclusions-matrix interface. The cohesive
strength, in terms of atoms separation, as function of traction force, governs the atomic
bonds breaking. The interface binding energy derived from this solution is regarded as
key design parameter of Cybersteel (Fig. 18.a). At nano-scale, the debonding on
inclusions-matrix interface is simulated by a concurrent method. The matrix and particles
regions are modeled by finite elements and the interface is modeled by molecular
dynamics. The debonding on interface triggers voids nucleation. Further, the dynamics
of voids development, which is dependent on voids volume fraction and the distribution
of nano-secondary particles, enables to simulate the constitutive law of deformation and
plastic flow rule in a nano-cell (Fig. 18.b).
At micro-scale (Fig. 18.c), the constitutive equations of deformation and the plastic
flow rule are simulated concurrently, similarly as in nano-scale cells, having incorpo-
rated the constitutive equations and plastic flow rule inherited and passed from nano-
scale simulation. The deformation behaviour of the matrix, according to its constituency
at micro-level, as well as of primary inclusions (of micro-size, by difference to secondary
particles of nano-size) is simulated as a continuum by FE. The debonding on
matrix/primary inclusions is simulated by MD with cohesive rule inherited from the
simulation at QM level (Fig. 18.a). Subsequently, the growth and eventually the
coalescence of voids, under increasing loading, are captured by FE simulation of the
matrix. The observed shear bands, as prelude to final fracture, are simulated at this level.
Under increased applied loading, continuum FE models of elastic-plastic fracture
mechanics are applied (Fig. 18.d). After significant prior plastic deformation at
macroscopic level, fracture appears as result of unstable plastic deformation, localized
into a critical cross-section which is normal to the maximum of the applied principal
tensile stress. Significant capacity of macroscopic plastic deformation under monoto-
nously increased loading, owing to optimized size and nature of primary and secondary
particles, coupled with high values of crack tip opening displacement demonstrated by
simulation, confer, from design stage, high toughness to Cybersteel, which was fully
confirmed by laboratory testing.
It should be remarked in this construct that the simulation of dislocations mecha-
nisms, which are involved at mesoscopic level, has been circumvented owing to the lack
of clarified physical models of dislocations, both as individual entities (e.g. the electrons
configuration of the dislocations core) and as dynamic ensembles. However, the details
of the physical process at mesoscopic scale are implicitly covered, globally, in the lower
scale-sizes models at quantum mechanics and MD levels.
Presented approach can be considered as further and very detailed extension of
previously developed crack significance assessment, involving high level of theoretically
based knowledge gathered at different scales, but in fact it does not treat the situation at
the crack tip. It demonstrates high level of applied theoretical background, capacity of
modelling and numerical analysis and obtained practical effects, proved experimentally.