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V. Grabulov, I Blačić, A. Radović. S.Sedmak,

Loading rate effect on HSLA steel welded joints

fracture resistance

, Proceedings, ECF Conference, Alexsandroupolis, Grece, 2006, pp.234-241


Pluvinage G, Fracture and Fatigue Emanating from Stress Concentrators, Springer Science +

Business Media, Inc, (2004)

11. ASM Metals Handbook Volume 20,

Materials Selection and Design

, ASM International, USA,


12. ASM Handbook Volume 8,

Mechanical Testing and Evaluation

, ASM International, USA,


13. ASM Handbook Volume 19,

Fatigue and Fracture

, ASM International, USA, (1997)

14. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM Volume 03.01 Metals -- Mechanical Testing;

Elevated and Low-Temperature Tests; Metallography, 2004

15. Grabulov, V., Burzić, Z., Momčilović, D., Significance of mechanical testing for structural

integrity, The Challenge of Materials and Weldments - Structural Integrity and Life

Assessments, International Fracture Summer School 9, (2009) pp121-151

16. M. Zrilić, V. Grabulov, Z. Burzić, M. Arsić, S. Sedmak


Static and Impact Crack

Properties of high Strength Steel Welded Joint

, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and

Piping, Volume 84, Issue 3, March 2007, Pages 139-150

17. Sedmak S., Grabulov V., Momčilović D., Chronology of lost structural integrity initiated from

manufacturing defects in welded structures, Structural Integrity and Life, Vol 9, No 1, (2009)

pp39 – 50

18. G. Adziev, A. Sedmak (2003),

Integrity assessment of spherical storage tank

, Structural

Integrity and Life, Vol. 3, No 2. pp. 93-98.

19. V. Gliha, D. Rojko, T. Vuherer (2004),

The properties of the HAZ and weld metal in a multi-

pass joint of microalloyed steel

(in Serbian), Zavar. & zavar. konstr., Vol. 49, No 3, pp. 103-


20. V. Grabulov, et al. (2005), Weldability Testing of Micro alloyed Steel and Integrity

Assessment of Welded Joint, Welding in the World, Vol. 49, pp. 464-477.

21. K. Gerić (2005),

Cracks in welded joints

, A monograph, FTN Publishing, Novi Sad, (in


22. K. Gerić, S. Sedmak (1998),

Crack behaviour analysis in the heat-affected-zone of micro

alloyed steels

, 12th European Conference on Fracture, ECF 12, Fracture from defects,

Sheffield, pp. 2138-2143.

23. A. Kfouri (2006),

Characteristic crack-tip distances in fracture criteria. Is crack propagation


16th European Conference on Fracture, ECF 16, Failure analysis on nano and

engineering materials and structures, Alexandroupolis, p. 1089, (disc with full paper available)

24. V. Grabulov, I. Blačić, H.J. Mac Gillivray, S. Sedmak (2001),

Dynamic J-R curve evaluation

applying a pre-cracked Charpy specimen

, Charpy Centenary Conference, D. Francois and A.

Pineau (Eds.), Vol. 1, pp. 313-320.

25. U. Eisele, J. Schiedermaier (2004), Application of ductile fracture assessment methods for the

assessment of pressure vessels from high strength steels (HSS), International Journal of

Pressure Vessels and Piping 81, 879–887.

26. M. Zrilić, V. Grabulov, Z. Burzić, M. Arsić, S. Sedmak

(2007), Static and impact crack

properties of a high strength steel welded joint, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and

Piping, Volume 84, Issue 3, March 2007, Pages 139-150.

27. V. Grabulov, I. Blacić, H.J. Mac Gillivray, S. Sedmak (2001),

Dynamic J-R curve evaluation

applying a pre-cracked Charpy specimen

, Charpy Centenary Conference, D. Francois and A.

Pineau (Eds.), Vol. 1, pp. 313-320.