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In the threshold and the low-growth regime FCGR testing (region I in Fig. 8)

acquisition of valid and consistent data is complicated, since the crack growth behaviour

is more sensitive to the material, environment, and testing procedures. Within this regime,

the material fatigue mechanisms that slow the crack growth rates are more significant.

It is expensive to obtain a true value of



. In some materials it does none exist.

Designers are more interested in the fatigue crack growth rate at threshold regime, e.g.


corresponding to a fatigue crack growth rate 10


to 10


m/cycle. Because the

duration of the tests increases for each decade of near-threshold data (10


to 10


to 10



the precise requirements should be determined before the test. ASTM Standard E- 647

addresses these requirements, but the methods for fatigue crack threshold test may differ.

In all areas of crack growth rate testing, the resolution capability of the crack measu-

ring technique should be known, what is more important in the threshold regime. The

smallest amount of crack length resolution as possible is desired, because the rate of

decreasing applied loads (load shedding) is dependent on how easily the crack length can

be measured. The minimum amount of change in crack growth that is measured should be

ten times the crack length measurement precision. It is also recommended that for non-

continuous load shedding testing, where [(









] > 0.02, where mean value is

accepted as



= (






/2), the reduction in the maximum load should not exceed

10% of the previous maximum load, and the minimum crack extension between load

sheds should be at least 0.50 mm.

4.2.1. Specimen type selection

In selecting a specimen, the resolution capability of the crack measuring device and



-gradient (the rate at which


is increased or decreased) in the specimen should be

known. If the measuring device is not suitable, the threshold crack growth rate may not

be achieved before the specimen is fractured. When a new crack-length measuring device

is applied, a new type of material used, or some factor is different from previous testing,



-decreasing portion of the test should be followed with constant load amplitude (



increasing) to make the methods comparable. With consistency achieved, constant-load

amplitude testing at the low crack growth rate is not necessary in similar conditions.

Three types of specimens used in FCGR testing are commonly used: pin-loaded (Figs.

14, 15), bend-loaded (Fig. 16.a) and wedge-gripped specimens (Fig. 16.b, c, d). Precisely

machined specimens are essential, and ASTM E 647 specifies the tolerances and



calibrations for compact-type C(T) and middle-tension M(T) geometries. Single-edge

bends SE(B), arc-shaped A(T), and disk-shaped compact DC(T) specimen geometries and



-calibrations are discussed in ASTM E 399. Similar tolerances should be specified

for "nonstandard" specimens. The selection of an appropriate geometry depends on

material availability and row form, desired loading condition, and equipment limitations.

The most widely used types of specimens are M(T) (Fig. 14), and C(T) specimens

(Fig. 15). However, any specimen configuration with a known stress-intensity factor

solution can be used in fatigue crack growth rate testing, assuming that the appropriate

equipment is available for controlling the test and measuring the crack dimensions.

4.2.2. Specimen size, crack length and microstructure consideration

The applicable range of the stress-intensity solution of a specimen configuration is

very important. Many stress-intensity expressions are valid only over a range of the ratio

of crack length to specimen width (




). The expression given in Fig. 14 for C(T)