Marko Rakin
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
marko@tmf.bg.ac.yuBojan Međo
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
Ductile fracture mechanism in metallic materials develops through three stages -
nucleation of voids, their growth and eventual coalescence. This mechanism is
characterised by a local development of damage, hence it does not depend on the
analysed geometry. There are two main mechanisms of void nucleation in metallic
materials: particle cracking and debonding from the metallic matrix. The void existence
in the material causes local stress and strain concentration in the surrounding matrix.
Under the external loading, the void changes its shape and volume (void growth stage),
which makes the analysis of the above-mentioned fields very complicated.
Void coalescence occurs during the localization of the plastic deformation on
microscopic level - in the intervoid ligaments. The plane of localization depends on the
orientation of the ligament between two voids with respect to the loading direction. An
example of void coalescence, in steel A508, is given in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Void coalescence in steel A508 /1/
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) cannot reliably describe the complex
process of ductile fracture in metallic materials. Therefore, parameters that reflect the
local nature of damage process should be introduced. Local approach uses such
parameters, and is able to describe the fracture process in a way close to the actual
phenomena in the material. It is based on micromechanical models of microscopic
damage, with the aim to explain and predict the macroscopic failure of structure.
The correct use of the micromechanical models should include a close interaction of
microstructural examination, material characterisation, fracture mechanics testing and
numerical calculations. Having in mind that the parameters used for damage