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SINTAP procedure level is selected with respect to the availability, quantity and quality

of the material properties. The application supports three levels of SINTAP procedure:

Default, Basic, Mismatch and Advance level, as shown in Fig. 6. The most basic or

default level 0 is also called "the level of insufficient material knowledge".

Figure 4: Open existing project form

Another dialog is loaded showing the list of available configurations.

2.3.2. Procedure level

The Advance level is upper an engineering level, based on compendia solutions for

Stress-intensity factor - SIF and Limit Load Solution. It’s also the most sophisticated

(advanced) level. It gives most accurate and least conservative results, but it requires the

knowledge about the complete stress-deformation curve from uniaxial tensile test. The

Mismatch level is equivalent to the Basic level and it is in use when difference between

yield strength of weld metal and base metal are greater than 10%.

Advanced level offers also the calculation of Sensitivity analysis if the latest is

available within the configuration.

The selected options are accepted by clicking »Submit«.

2.3.3. Configuration details

Configuration details form doesn't enable entering any data but provides some

additional information about the loading case.

The Advance level is upper an engineering level, based on compendia solutions for

Stress-intensity factor-SIF and Limit Load Solution. It’s also the most sophisticated

(advanced) level. It gives most accurate and least conservative results, but it requires the

knowledge about the complete stress-deformation curve from single axis tensile test. The

Mis-match level is equivalent to the Basic level and it is in use when difference between

yield strength of weld metal and base metal are greater than 10%.

Advanced level offers also the calculation of Sensitivity analysis if the latest is

available within the configuration.

The selected options are accepted by clicking »Submit«.

Configuration details form doesn't enable entering any data but provides some

additional information about the loading case.