appears and not leakage. Obviously, after leakage appearance, the fracture can only be
avoided in case of pressure release or if the leakage is discovered in time and necessary
action, to avoid further growth, were carried out. If anything exists that disrupt leakage or
its detection (like insulation) than safety can not be guaranteed by LBB.
In codes is also mentioned NHLBB (NH = Non Hazardous). In general, an insulated
NHLBB vessel is assumed to leak down to zero pressure without any further cycling,
which assures that the crack cannot subsequently grow to critical size (rupture). Vessels
that can have the pressure cycled or have significant externally applied loads after
developing a leakage are not NHLBB.
Review of the LBB-diagram shows that the application of this concept requires precise
analysis using fracture mechanics methods that include following important aspects:
Investigation of conditions that must be fulfilled to apply LBB-concept in actual case.
Evaluation of the critical size of the through crack for different crack position, taking in
consideration actual loads and their combinations.
Calculation of the leakage intensity starting from the minimal size of the actual crack,
i.e. the control of the crack opening characterizing the leakage rate. The values must be
conservatively evaluated (minimal expected) for leakage conditions to be fulfilled.
Cracks discovering through the LBB approach (including proof test)
Crack growth analysis.
Ascertain the leakage discover in the inspection system.
Discover of cracks and leakage in pipelines is often complicated, as the number of
pipes is high and the elbows additionally loaded by the moments. For the vessels is the
definition of loading simpler and the crack discovery easier. Difficulties, of course,
appear at the connections and supports, especially if the cracks caused by residual stresses
after inspection. However, the LBB-method is of special benefit for the components that
are not accessible for NDI inspection. Although the LBB procedure is now improved,
there are still different problems to be considered in actual application:
Leakage region.
For the evaluation of leakage area local loading and corresponding
conditions must be considered, in the case of elevated temperatures to include also creep
effect. The crack opening under load can be evaluated, e.g. based on EPRI-Handbook
data for plate with mean through crack. For the case of pipe, it can be assumed that the
plate is endless, and this means that the function
is taken for
a/b = 0
(0, )
ch n
δ αε
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
for material obeying the law
⎛ ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Crack position.
All positions on component must be considered, but it is not sure
which one is the most important. Situation is complicated, since the position of expected
maximal crack growth in normal operation does not always coincide with the position of
critical crack size for the lowest overloading in operation.
Stress state.
Stresses at the considered positions are based on combination of different
loading that may change in dependence of crack development, especially in creep.