Mićunović Milan
Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Kragujevac, Serbia
mmicun@sezampro.rs1. INTRODUCTION
Frequently is necessary to go deeply into plastic range before severe accidents occur
for design of nuclear reactors and some chemical plants. Such a reserve is needed to
sustain the course of hypothetical core melt accidents, potential containment failure
modes and sequences leading to radioactive release. An analogous situation appears in
stamping plants operating on ductile mild ferritic steels where a large plastic strain
without fracture is needed in order to form complicated shell parts of a car body. Ductile
fracture as combination of normal cracking, delamination and fracture along shear-bands
might be divided into two categories: tensile type and shear type failure. It is affected by:
1. history of stress, strain and temperature including their actual values and strain rate,
2. grain size as well as grain boundaries relative strength,
3. size of the considered structure or specimen, and
4. strain distribution (strain gradients).
Concerning history effects it is likely that the comment of McClintock is still valid:
with not even an understanding of the difference between monotones shear and tensile
fracture it is not surprising that the effects of varying stress history are not understood. In
order to clarify at least partly the significance of history diverse stress directions and non
proportional paths are necessary. As a single scalar measure of failure advance equivalent
plastic strain is not convenient. Instead Davis triaxiality factor
(ratio of first stress
invariant and Mises equivalent stress) being for isotropic materials: 0 for shear, 1 for
uniaxial tension and 2 for equibiaxial tension appears to be much more appropriate.
Existing criteria might be classified into:
1. maximum tensile stress (here maximum of largest principal engineering stress
corresponds to maximum load) leading to diffuse instability criterion,
2. hole-growth criterion which is built by means of intrinsically statistical theory with
some inevitable simplification,
3. connection of localization to yield surface corners appearance and development,
4. maximum shear stress criterion useful for crystal grains or grain boundaries but not
poly-crystals, and
5. forming limit diagrams (FLD) being successfully applied to metal sheet forming
where for isotropic materials
√3 ܶ
2ሺ݅. ݁. 0.5 ൏
⁄ ൏ 1ሻ
2.1. McClintock's model of growing touching holes
As a background for his calculations McClintock had experimental evidence concer-
ning coalescence of holes appearing not only in metals like copper, but also in plastics.
Typically, holes look like “wolf's ear" connecting during growth to each other either