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Tenth International Fracture Mechanics Summer Schools (IFMASS 10) had been

organized in 2008, on the mountain Zlatibor, in Serbia. Following established tradition,

organisers decided to publish the monograph

“Fundamentals of fracture mechanics and structural integrity assessment methods”

This book is the tenth in IFMASS monograph series. First four volumes had been

published in Serbian, the fifth one in English and a shortened version in Serbian, sixth

and seventh in Serbian, and last three in English. This enabled an extended use of

IFMASS books not only in former Yugoslavia and its federal states, but also world wide.

Last three editions are also available on internet, DIVK site


The role of IFMASS is accomplished in the best way, and it served not only for

education, but also as a forum to present the achievements and exchange the ideas

regarding theoretical, experimental and numerical development of fracture mechanics,

and structural integrity and life assessment. Very important in that sense was the joint

Yugoslav–USA project “Fracture Mechanics of Weldments”, performed by six

institutions from former Yugoslavia and the National Institute of Standards and

Technology (NIST), Boulder, Colorado (USA) that started in 1982 and ended in 1992.

The IFMASS 5 attracted in Dubrovnik 145 participants and 24 lecturers recognised in

the power industry world-wide and monograph “The Application of Fracture Mechanics

to Life Estimation of Power Plant Components” had been published in English by EMAS


Unfortunate events started in 1991, disturbed IFMASS in its mission. However, even

in these circumstances, two Schools had been organized successfully. It was the time

when foreign lecturers hesitated to come to our country, but IFMASS still saved its

importance, attracting 137 participants and 8 foreign contributions out of 25 given

lectures at IFMASS 7 in 1997. Unfortunate events culminated in 1999 with NATO

bombardment which delayed monograph publishing until 2000. Next important event

was founding of the Society for Structural Integrity and Life (DIVK) in 2001. New

Society reactivated IFMASS, and next three Schools were organized.. It is to underline

that, in addition to IFMASS, important position in considering the topics connected with

fracture mechanics and allied field has now DIVK journal “Structural Integrity and

Life”, also available on the internet.

The activities motivated by DIVK members are of great importance for furher

development in Serbia in the field of structural integrity and life in industry, and in the

same time present the base for education, research and investigation.