Name, Status, Definition of Structural Integrity, Objectives of ESIS, Achievements of Objectives, Membership, Language
The name of the organisation is the EUROPEAN STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY SOCIETY, hereafter referred to as ESIS, or the Society. The initials ESIS may be used as an abbreviated name for the Society.
ESIS is a non-profit organisation based in Europe and run by the Executive Committee that is instructed by and responsible to a Council of delegates representing each European and non European Country (or Group of Countries) affiliated to the Society, as well as the Technical Committee chair-persons.
Structural Integrity, in the affairs of this Society, refers to the safe operation of engineering components, structures and materials, and addresses the science and technology that is used to assess the margin between safe operation and failure.
The aim of ESIS is to develop and extend knowledge in all aspects of Structural Integrity and disseminating that knowledge world-wide with the objective of improving the safety and performance of engineering equipment, individual components and structures. Specifically:
(I.4.1) To foster research and collaboration into the prevention of failure of engineering materials, components and structures under mechanical loadings and associated phenomena.
(I.4.2) To encourage interdisciplinary research into the physical behaviour of engineering components, materials and structures.
(I.4.3) To develop new testing methods, numerical methods, and engineering estimation methods for structural integrity assessment.
(I.4.4) To improve engineering designs.
(I.4.5) To improve manufacturing, inspection and maintenance procedures.
(I.4.6) To develop methods for interpretation of material property data, probabilistic assessment and tools for failure prevention and management.
(I.4.7) To disseminate knowledge, by means of scientific publications, procedure documents, and referring developments to national and international code-making bodies where relevant.
(I.4.8) To educate young engineers and scientists in structural integrity matters.
In order to achieve the objectives of the Society, the Society shall, both solely and in cooperation with other bodies,
(I.5.1) Convene Technical Committees, which will address the major technical issues of the day.
(I.5.2) Hold regular meetings addressing special technical issues under the auspices of the Technical Committees.
(I.5.3) Hold a major international conference every second year, on all aspects of Structural Integrity and Fracture, to be known as the European Conference on Fracture (ECF), under the organisation of a different national delegation to ESIS, as decided by Council.
(I.5.4) Hold, or support, other appropriate seminars and symposia on technical matters.
(I.5.5) Cooperate with other bodies associated with structural integrity issues, in particular, standardisation bodies such as: the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM), European Committee for Standardization (Comité Européen de Normalisation-CEN), International Standards Organization (ISO), and Versailles Agreement on Materials and Standards (VAMAS).
(I.5.6) Hold regular Educational Forums.
(I.5.7) Produce and distribute regular technical publications.
(I.5.8) Produce regular information on the various activities of the Society (Newsletter and the website.)
(I.5.9) Maintain a registered office.
The Society has individual, organisational and corporate memberships. It also has Fellows Members. The individual membership subscription is fixed by the Council.
(I.6.1) Membership is a prerequisite for holding any office within the Society.
(I.6.2) Members may register as individual members or as part of a group membership from a named industrial, commercial, research, or educational organisation by payment of the annual fee.
(I.6.3) Group membership may be obtained by a named individual from the group submitting a list of members to the ESIS office, together with the appropriate fee. The named individuals become members of ESIS. Groups may also obtain ESIS membership by joining a National Group (see 1.6.5 below) or a Multinational Group (see 1.6.6 below) provided the national or the multinational group is affiliated to ESIS. Members of these groups become part of that national delegation and hence also members of ESIS.
(I.6.4) All forms of membership are registered in the Society’s registered office.
(I.6.5) The members of an affiliated nation form a National Group representing that nation in the Council. For the members belonging to National Groups of affiliated countries, two-thirds of the annual registration fee can be retained by the National Group for financing national activities, whereas one-third must be sent to the ESIS Treasurer. All individuals or organisations will pay the full registration fee.
(1.6.6) A Group of Countries (max 3 countries), associated for historical and/or geographical reasons, can form a “Multinational Group”. For the members belonging to a “Multinational Group”, two-thirds of the annual registration fee may be retained by the Multinational Group for financing national activities, whereas one-third must be sent to the ESIS Treasurer.
(1.6.7) Fellows shall be persons who have been members of ESIS for at least five years and who have distinguished themselves through contributions to the Society and to the art, science, teaching, or practice of structural integrity. Elections for this distinction are made by the Fellows Committee.
The working language of the Society shall be English.
Membership, Responsibilities, Meetings, Quorums and Ballots, Agenda, National Delegations to Council, Multinational Group Delegations to Council, Minutes
The President, who acts as Chairman of Council.
Two Vice Presidents.
Two delegates, one of whom is a voting member, from each of the National Groups of affiliated countries and from each affiliated Multinational Group.
The Chairperson of each Technical Committee.
The Secretary, who acts as Secretary to the Council.
The responsibility of the Council is to approve (or monitor) the activities of all the committees of the Society, and to ensure that officers, committees and organisation mechanisms are in place for the Society to meet its objectives. Specifically:
(II.2.1) To manage the Society by means of an Executive Committee.
(II.2.2) To elect a President and two Vice Presidents.
(II.2.3) To decide on the admission of new nation members and of new multinational groups.
(II.2.4) To receive and approve reports from the Executive Committee.
(II.2.5) To receive and approve reports from auditors.
(II,2.6) To receive reports from Awards and Fellows Committees.
(II.2.7) When a report is not approved, to identify actions which can ensure future agreement.
(II.2.8) To receive proposals for new strategies, and if agreed, to put in place the mechanism for achieving these strategies.
(II.2.9) To approve new statutes, or amend old ones, where necessary.
(II.2.10) To set the level of subscriptions, based upon the advice of the Treasurer.
(II.2.11) To determine the financial policy of the Society.
(II.2.12) To approve the venues for future ECF meetings.
(II.2.13) To consider any other matters affecting the Society and initiate appropriate actions.
The Council shall meet at least once every two years in conjunction with the biennial ECF conference. At other times, special meetings may be held at the request of the President, or at the request of at least five affiliated national or multinational delegations or five TC Chairmen, or any combination of these which adds up to five members. If a quorum of the Council cannot attend a special meeting, business may be conducted by mail, through the offices of the Secretary and reported to all Council members prior to any agreement being reached and future actions taken.
(II.4.1) For Council meetings, the quorum is one-half of the total number of voting members (Section II.1), and the required majority is one half of those present.
(II.4.2) For changes to the statutes, the quorum is two-thirds of the total number of voting members, and the required majority is two-thirds of those present.
(II.4.3) The President is not allowed to vote in any ballot. If there is a tied ballot, the President shall decide on further action.
(II.4.4) Voting Procedures
Each Council member has only one vote in each ballot. If a Council member has more than one voting role (specifically as a Vice-President, the Secretary, a Chairperson of a Technical Committee or a voting member from a National Group or Multinational Group, his National Group, Multinational Group and/or Technical Committee must designate an alternative ESIS member to vote. If a Council member is unable to attend a Council meeting, his group may appoint an alternative. Notification must be made to the Secretary before the Council meeting or, in the event of a ballot by mail, before the announced closing time of the ballot.
The agenda for all biennial Council meetings shall include the following items:
(II.5.1) Naming of delegates and voting members.
(II.5.2) Establishing that those present are members of ESIS.
(II.5.3) Establishing that the necessary quorums are present.
(II.5.4) Issues from minutes of the last biennial Council meeting, any intervening special meetings and acceptance of approved minutes.
(II.5.5) Reports of the Executive Committee (financial, publications and TC reports).
(II.5.6) Reports from the Treasurer, proposals for changes, discussion and future actions.
(II.5.7) Report of the Awards Committee.
(II.5,8) Report of the Fellows Committee.
(II.5.9) Proposals from members pertaining to Council affairs.
(II.5.10) Election of Officers (President and two Vice-Presidents).
(II.5.11) Venue of the next ECF Conference.
(II.5.12) Report from the auditors.
(II.5.13) Any other business.
The agenda, together with the necessary papers, including Financial Balance, Publication reports and Technical Committee reports shall be circulated to all members of the Council at least one month before the Council meeting. Proposals under item (II.5.9) shall be routed via an affiliated National delegation or a TC representative, and be accompanied by the name of the proposer and the seconder, and shall be lodged with the Secretary at least 2 months in advance of any meeting.
Any European nation can make application to join the Society as an affiliated member. Applications should be made to the Secretary. The minimum number of individual members of the Society from a nation shall be ten in order to gain a seat on Council. The application should list the names, addresses and affiliation of each member. A country that does not have a national Society but has the number of ESIS members mentioned above may also gain a seat on Council.
Any non-European nation may make an application to join the Society as an affiliated member. Applications should be made to the Secretary. The minimum number of individual members of the Society from a nation shall be ten in order to gain a seat on Council. The application should list the names, addresses and affiliation of each member. After approval of the application by the Council, the delegates of the non-European nation will participate to the Council meetings for two years as “observers” (non-voting member). After this term, the delegates will become full Council members (with one voting member).
Countries that do not meet these conditions can have a single national delegate attend Council as a non-voting member.
A group of Countries (max 3 countries), associated for historical and/or geographical reasons can make an application to form a “Multinational Group”. Applications should be made to the Secretary. Only countries that are not organized in a National Group can join a Multinational Group. The minimum number of individual members of the Society from a Multinational Group shall be ten in order to gain a seat on Council. If the Multinational Group contains non-European nations, then after approval of the application by the Council, the delegates of the Multinational Group will participate to the Council meetings for two years as “observers” (non-voting member). After this term, the delegates will become full Council members (with one voting member).
Minutes of Council meetings shall be recorded by the Secretary and published in an issue of the ESIS Newsletter.
The Registered Office, The President, Vice Presidents, The Treasurer, The Secretary, The Publications Manager, The Executive Committee, Publications, The Awards Committee, The Newsletter Editor, The ESIS Website, Technical Committees, The Fellows Committee.
(III.1.1) A registered office shall be managed by the Secretary approved by the Executive Committee and under conditions approved by the Executive Committee. This office shall have legal status in a European country that has a national delegation affiliated to ESIS.
(III.1.2) Any change of location of the registered office shall be by agreement of the Executive Committee.
(III.1.3) Contracts concluded on behalf of the Society through the registered office, shall have the approval of the Society by co-signature of the President, and the Secretary after full consultation with the Executive Committee.
(III.1.4) The costs of administering the registered office shall be borne by ESIS. The organisation managing the registered office shall prepare a financial statement every 12 months for inclusion in the annual report of the Treasurer to the Executive Committee, and biennially for inclusion in the report of the Treasurer to the biennial Council meeting. The auditors nominated by the Executive Committee shall have full access to the financial administration of the registered office,and shall send notice of approval of these financial statements to the President and Vice Presidents prior to Council ratification.
The President shall be elected by the Council, together with the two Vice-Presidents.
During the Council meeting, any member of the Council may nominate any member of ESIS as President. This nomination requires a seconder. No member may propose or second a candidate from their own country. The President is elected by a simple majority of the ESIS Council (more than half of the voting participants). In case of more than two candidates, there will be a first ballot.
If any of the candidates obtains a simple majority, then this candidate is elected. If no candidate obtains a simple majority in the first ballot, then the two candidates with the most votes will participate in a second ballot. The candidate obtaining a simple majority is elected. In case of a tie, the winner will be decided by the toss of a coin.
After election of the President, the Vice-Presidential candidates will be identified with the same procedure as that of the President’s election. There will be only one ballot and the two candidates with the most votes will be elected Vice-Presidents. In case of a tie, the winner will be decided by the toss of a coin.
The term of office for President and Vice-Presidents is 4 years and begins at the end of the Council meeting at which the election takes place. The President and Vice-Presidents may be elected for a limit of two consecutive terms. The President shall not vote at Council meetings or at meetings of the Executive Committee.
The responsibilities of the President are to ensure the continued and healthy operation of ESIS in attaining its stated objectives. Specifically:
(III.2.1.1) To act as Chairman to the Executive Committee and Council.
(III.2.1.2) To act on behalf of the Society in the conduct of the affairs of the Society in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by Council and the Executive Committee.
(III.2.1.3) The President shall establish or terminate liaison activities with other organisations following approval of the Executive Committee.
(III.3.1.1) To recommend to the Council, through the Executive Committee, a rate for the annual subscriptions for membership for each 2 year period.
(III.3.1.2) To ensure that all income is lodged beneficially in a suitable bank account.
(III.3.1.3) To monitor income from publishing, and other sources not associated with membership.
(III.3.1.4) To provide financial support to the activities of the technical committees, and administration committees where needed.
(III.3.1.5) To provide financial support to the Secretariat, as agreed by Council.
(III.3.1.6) To report to the Executive Committee once every 6 months.
(III.3.7) To provide accounts to the Council once every 2 years.
The duties of the Secretary are:
(III.4.1.1) To establish and run the registered office on behalf of ESIS and as required to report to the regulatory authority with which ESIS is registered.
(III.4.1.2) To encourage the expansion of ESIS both in terms of national delegations and individual, organisational and corporate members.
(III.4.1.3) To act as secretary to the Council and the Executive Committee.
(III.4.1.4) To disseminate information as required by Council, the Executive Committee, and the Technical Committees of the Society.
(III.4.1.5) To manage the day-to-day affairs of ESIS and maintain an efficient records system pertaining to all Society correspondence.
The President, who acts as Chairperson
Two Vice Presidents
The Treasurer
The Editor of the Newsletter and Publications Manager
Two Chairpersons, one from each of the next two ECF conferences
The Secretary
The Liaison to the American Society for Testing and Materials and other relevant societies
The Blogger
The past President (non-voting)
The Treasurer, the Secretary, The Editor of the Newsletter and Publications Manager, the Liaison to ASTM and other societies and the Blogger end their terms with the President and Vice Presidents. They are appointed by the new President and Vice Presidents.
The responsibility of the Executive Committee is to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the Society on a day-to-day basis. Specifically:
(III.5.2.1) To appoint the members of the Awards Committee.
(III.5.2.2) To consider the setting up of new administration and technical committees when appropriate.
(III.5.2.3) To assist the technical and administration committees and record their activities.
(III.5.2.4) To confirm the chairpersons of all other ESIS committees.
(III.5.2.5) To elect ordinary members to all ESIS committees when considered appropriate.
(III.5.2.6) To monitor dates of proposed ESIS technical meetings, ensuring wherever possible that there is no conflict.
(III.5.2.7) To develop and propose new strategic objectives of the Society as required.
(III.5.2.8) To recommend amendments and new Statutes to Council as necessary.
(III.5.2.9) To make recommendations to the Council on any issue relating to the efficiency of the Society.
(III.5.2.10) To fill temporary vacancies in the offices of the Society that may arise between the times of Council meetings.
(III.5.2.11) To adopt any emergency powers deemed necessary to ensure the smooth and continuous operation of the Society.
(III.5.2.12) To report at every session of Council on the actions taken by the Executive Committee since the previous Council session.
(III.5.2.13) To appoint auditors and receive their reports.
(III.5.2.14) To keep the financial balance healthy.
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every year, preferably in combination with either an ESIS sponsored conference, a TC meeting or an ECF meeting. The agenda should be agreed one month prior to the meeting and will be based on the responsibilities specified in Clause III.5.2.
When a vote is needed, a quorum of two-thirds of the membership of the Executive Committee is required, and a simple majority of the attendees at the meeting shall be effective. The President may, by prior agreement of a majority of Executive Committee members, invite non-voting members of the Society to be present at any Executive Committee meeting.
In times between Executive Committee meetings, the duties of the Executive Committee may be carried out by mail, and a record shall be kept by the Secretary. Minutes of the meeting should be distributed to Executive Committee members within one month.
The committee is composed of ten members.
The Chairperson is the organizer of the next ECF.
Nine National Representatives appointed by the Executive Committee every two years.
The responsibility of the Awards Committee is to decide, once every two years, on the conferment of the following ESIS awards:
1. The Griffith Medal
2. The Wöhler Medal
3. Award of Merit
4. Honorary Membership of ESIS
5. Young Scientist Award
All Awards are to be published, with their citations, in the ESIS Newsletter and the ESIS Website, under the authority of the Awards Committee.
Nominations for the awards may be lodged with the Chairperson of the Awards Committee at any time but not later than six months before a biennial Council meeting. These may be made by any member of ESIS, but each nomination shall carry the name of a proposer and a seconder. No member may propose or second a candidate from their own country. Calls for nominations will be made in the ESIS Newsletter.
The Awards Committee can communicate by mail throughout the period between Council meetings. A record shall be kept of these communications by the ESIS Secretary. The Awards Committee shall select the awardees prior to each biennial Council Meeting, and report its decisions to Council.
(III.6.5) The President, as well as members of both the Executive and Awards committee are not eligible to receive an award during their tenure.
The responsibility of the Newsletter Editor is to publish a Newsletter at least once a year. The content of the Newsletter shall include the following items:
(III.7.1.1) A list of all Officers of ESIS, together with their affiliations and email addresses.
(III.7.1.2) An editorial by the President or the Editor detailing topical issues relevant to ESIS.
(III.7.1.3) Details of the next ECF conference.
(III.7.1.4) Reports from TCs.
(III.7.1.5) A list of all available ESIS publications.
(III.7.1.6) A list of all future TC meetings.
(III.7.1.7) A list of all ESIS sponsors.
(III.7.1.8) An ESIS membership application form.
(III.7.1.9) The address of the ESIS website.
(III.7.1.10) Articles from the most recent winners of ESIS Awards.
(III.7.1.11) Advertising material, from publishers or other sources with respect to Structural Integrity matters and including all future conferences and meetings worldwide on Structural Integrity affairs.
The Newsletter shall be circulated to all members by the Newsletter Editor. Selected items will be approved by the Newsletter Editor for inclusion on the ESIS website.
The Executive Committee is responsible for the appointment of the Website Manager hereafter referred to as the Webmaster. The Webmaster is responsible for the frequent updating of the ESIS website and for giving approval for specific items to be included on other www sites.
The responsibility of the publications manager is to keep a record of all special publications which have been published during the preceding year, as well as to record expected publications. A report will be made to the Executive Committee each year.
The Liaison will foster relations with various national and international bodies involved with structural integrity.
The Technical Committees, each working on different aspects of Structural Integrity matters, are the most important part of the ESIS organisation. Their activities are supported by ESIS. The strength of each TC is indicated by the number and scientific quality of Committee members together with their output in terms of reports, recommendations, procedure documents, Special Technical Publications and the regularity of their technical meetings. Wherever possible the subject area of a TC should involve interdisciplinary aspects. Each TC may be split into a number of subcommittees, each examining specific aspects of the main subject area.
The work of a TC and its schedule of meetings is decided by its members as a whole. The ESIS Secretary and Newsletter Editor should be informed of proposed meetings, and the Executive Committee shall ensure wherever possible that these do not conflict with other meetings on similar topics, whether these be ESIS meetings or meetings held outside of the ESIS organisation. Notes of meetings should be circulated to the Secretary as well as to the ESIS members of the TC.
Technical Committees will be formed, modified, extended, or disbanded should they have fulfilled their tasks. Each TC will be reviewed by the Executive Committee at its meeting.
New Technical Committees can be formed under the direction of the Executive Committee at its meetings.
Each Technical Committee and its sub-committees shall have:
A Chairperson
A Co-Chairperson or Vice Chairperson
A Secretary
Each TC may recruit its own members.
Each TC Officer should be a member of the Society. Any ESIS member can join any of the TC committees or sub-committees. Guests (non-ESIS members) may attend TC meetings.
Each committee should define its Terms of Reference, which have to be approved by Council. The Terms of Reference define the activities of a TC and hence of ESIS and should also appear on the ESIS website.
(III.9.3.1) To achieve the status of a major focus for all scientific and technical issues relating to its named subject area.
(III.9.3.2) To enrol as members, experts in the subject area from each European country and, whenever possible, experts from non-European countries.
(III.9.3.3) To conduct regular meetings with its membership; these meetings being notified well in advance to the Secretary, for inclusion in the Newsletters, the Website and the international journals affiliated to ESIS, so that all ESIS members can, if they wish, attend such meetings.
(III.9.3.4) To keep a record of its meetings, including names, addresses, and e-mails of attendees; this record being copied to the Secretariat.
(III.9.3.5) To convene a European-based international seminar or conference, on the subject matter of its named area, at least once every four years, which will result in a Special Technical Publication or a Special Issue of an affiliated journal. This responsibility also applies to all the subcommittees of a TC.
(III.9.3.6) To ensure that at least once per year it provides details on its current activities via articles published in the Newsletter; for the benefit of all ESIS members.
(III.9.3.7) To convene TC meetings that coincide with other TC meetings, whenever possible, in order to develop cross-disciplinary links and inter-responsive activities.
(III.9.3.9) To ensure its representatives, preferably including officers, attend each biennial ECF in order to report directly to Council if so required.
(III.9.3.10) To circulate, via the ESIS Secretary, a full report on activities over the previous two years; this report becoming an integral part of Executive Committee report to the Council meeting held at the ECF conference.
(III.9.3.11) To perform its duties in the spirit of international co-operation and the upholding of the Statutes and By Laws of the Society.
All ESIS members of a TC shall participate in the election of its Officers. Upon the election of Officers the ESIS Secretariat should be informed and an announcement made in the ESIS Newsletter and the ESIS Website.
The term of office for the TC Officers is 4 years and there are no limits of consecutive terms. The elections of the TC Officers are held during the ECF meetings in a year in which there are no elections for the ESIS President. All ESIS members (and only ESIS members) may vote in a maximum of two TCs and may be candidates for only one TC. The voting day is the day before the ESIS Council meeting. Voting members and candidates are defined by means of an online registration procedure not later than three months before the voting day (during the ECF). The online registration of the candidates implies the upload of their CV. Neither nomination nor second letters are required. The election procedures are chaired by a member of the ESIS ExCo (defined by the ESIS ExCo). Officers are elected with the relative majority of the registered voting members. In case of a tie, the winner will be decided by the toss of a coin. If, for any reason, during the four years of term, a TC remains without a Chairman and a Co-Chairman, the ESIS ExCo may nominate directly the Chairman and the Co-Chairman.
This is the responsibility of a TC but the ESIS Secretariat should be informed of all developments, particularly with regard to proposed future activities. Each TC should follow the general guidelines inherent within the Statutes and By-Laws of the Society.
Each TC Sub-Committee has identical responsibilities to those listed above for the parent TC. Additionally each sub-committee, functioning in its own right, will report on a regular basis, via its Chairperson, to the Chairperson of the parent TC.
The President of ESIS as Chair, the two Vice-Presidents, the past President, the organizer of the current, past and future ECF.
The responsibility of the Fellows Committee is to decide, once every two years, on the election of Fellows of ESIS.
The names of all elected Fellows, with their citations, will be published in the ESIS Newsletter and the ESIS Website, under the authority of the Fellows Committee.
Nominations for Fellows may be lodged with the Chairperson of the Fellows Committee at any time but not later than six months before a biennial Council meeting. These may be made by any member of ESIS, but each nomination shall carry the name of a proposer and a seconder. No member may propose or second a candidate from their own country. Calls for nominations will be made in the ESIS Newsletter.
The Fellows Committee can communicate by mail throughout the period between Council meetings. A record shall be kept of these communications by the ESIS Secretariat. The Fellows Committee shall select the awardees prior to each biennial Council Meeting, and report its decisions to Council.
All ESIS technical meetings, listed below, should be recorded by the ESIS Secretary and quoted in the ESIS Newsletter and the ESIS Website.
ECF (European Conference on Fracture) meetings shall be held once every even numbered year. The venue shall rotate around Europe, but shall be in a major city of an affiliated national country. The choice of venue shall be made, four years in advance, by Council, at its biennial meeting, after consideration of competing bids from affiliated European national delegations. The choice of an ECF Chairperson and the organisation of any ECF meeting is the responsibility of the relevant national delegation. Publication of the proceedings shall be in accordance with the publication policy of the Society (see Section III.8). In addition to the Proceedings, at least one Special Technical Publication or Special Issue of an affiliated journal based on selected presentations should be produced after the conference.
Special International Meetings shall be held under the auspices of a sponsoring TC, and the organisation responsible for administration of the meeting. Such meetings should be aimed at specific technical issues and each should have, as an objective, the publication of a Special Technical Publication. Before advertising a Special International Meeting, the sponsoring TC shall inform the Executive Committee of the technical issue to be addressed, the proposed venue, and the proposed dates of the meeting. It is the responsibility of the Executive Committee to sanction the meeting, to gather support for the meeting and to ensure that it does not conflict with any other meeting, either in terms of the technical topic, or its timing.
Where appropriate, regular TC meetings shall be held at least once a year, preferably at venues rotated around the TC members’ organisations. These meetings shall cover both TC administration matters and technical matters.
To fulfil an important aspect of the objectives of ESIS, frequent meetings of an educational nature on Structural Integrity matters should be organised on both a national and an international level. Short courses, seminars and special lectures should be co-ordinated through the most appropriate TC. Details of these meetings should be communicated to the ESIS Secretary and Newsletter Editor well in advance of their proposed timing.
(1) All members of ESIS are to be made aware of the Statutes of the Society, either via the Newsletter or the Website of the Society.
(2) All members of ESIS may suggest amendments to the Statutes directly to the Secretary who will inform the most appropriate Officer of the Society and also inform the member of any actions taken.
(3) On election to any Office of the Society the elected person is to sign a declaration stating they have read the Statutes of the Society and these By-Laws.
(4) All members of ESIS can enrol as a member of any Technical Committee and thereby participate in the TC activities.
(5) An annual report on the activities of a TC should be sent to the Secretary each year to arrive no later than 31st May. This report should include a section on future activities. Interim reports will be published in the Newsletter in an abbreviated format. The Secretary, or a delegate, must update the TC website.
(6) Interactive studies and co-operative meetings between two or more TCs are to be encouraged, especially with regard to the publication of Special Technical Publications.
(7) New TCs can be initiated at any time, with the approval of the Executive Committee. Their existence is provisional until formally approved by the Council at its next biennial meeting.
(8) All TCs are expected to organize one international specialist meeting at least once every 4-year term. These meetings should aim to produce a Special Technical Publication.
(9) All TCs are expected to support all aspects of the ESIS organization in its attempt to maintain a strong European voice on structural integrity issues.
(10) TCs should be represented by 2 of its senior officers at each ECF conference, at which time the TCs activities should be advertised to encourage new and especially young membership, and interdisciplinary collaboration.