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  • On the occasion of the 20th European Conference on Fracture in Trondheim, ESIS President Prof. Leslie Banks-Sills and ECF20 Chairman Prof. Zhiliang Zhang conferred the ESIS Awards. The Wöhler Medal was awarded to Prof. Reinhard Pippan for his seminal contributions to the effect of severe plastic deformation on fatigue. The Griffith Medal was awarded to Prof. Gordon Williams for[...]

  • On the occasion of the 18th European Conference on Fracture in Dresden, ESIS President Prof. Gdoutos and ECF18 Chairman Prof. Klingbeil conferred the ESIS Awards: Griffith Medal to Prof. E. Gdoutos ‘‘for his seminal contributions in mixed-mode fracture and failure mechanisms of sandwich structures”. Wöhler Medal to Prof. A. Saxena ‘‘for his outstanding and seminal contributions on[...]

  • ESIS President Prof. Gdoutos and ECF17 Chaimen conferred the ESIS Awards during the Social Dinner: - Griffith Medal to Prof A. Carpinteri, “for his outstanding theoretical results achieved in the field of fracture mechanics and their successful applications, especially those devoted to the improvement of structural integrity in civil engineering”; - Wöhler Medal to[...]