Newsletter #69-2023 16 TC15: Structural Integrity of Additive Manufactured Components The European Conference on the Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials, ESIAM, was founded in 2017 and first held in Trondheim, Norway 2019. The Conference has been organized under the umbrella of ESIS TC15. Due to the pandemic, a virtual conference has been organized. ESIAM21 constituted the second conference in the ESIAM series, where we have seen several advances in fatigue design and lifetime prediction for AM metals, both on the test geometry as well as on the component level. Despite the online nature of the ESIAM21 conference, there were more than 150 participants from 25 countries represented. This year, in collaboration with TC18, a new event (ESIAM23) will be organized in Porto from 4th to 6th of September. You can find all the information and deadlines at the conference website (LINK). We will wait you numerous to this new in presence event. Filippo Berto TC16: Finite Fracture Mechanics TC16 had its annual meeting in Torino during 17-20 January 2023. The local organizers were Profs. Pietro Cornetti, Alberto Sapora and Mauro Corrado. The homepage of this annual meeting can be found at this LINK for any other details. Zohar Yosibash TC18: Structural Integrity of Welded Joints TC18 is working in the field of structural integrity of welded structures. In collaboration with TC15, it will be organized ESIAM 23 in Porto from 4th to 6th of September 2023 (LINK). We will wait you numerous to this event. In addition, special and dedicated online symposia will be carried out on 2023 and alert in the ESIS website. Different topics will be touched, with the aim to provide an update picture of the state of the art in the field. With reference to the next TC18 activities, an online meeting will be organized, by December 2023, about welding related topics under investigation by single research groups that wish to attend the meeting. Filippo Berto Paolo Ferro TC20: Structural Integrity and Preservation/Restoration of Historical Buildings Activities TC 20 - STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY AND PRESERVATION/RESTORATION OF HISTORICAL BUILDINGS 2022 Event: 30th May 2022 – 4th June 2022 CHePICC (Cultural Heritage Protection in time of Climate Change Online) International Multiplier Event and Summer School held in Trondheim, Norway. Participants from NTNU and University of Krems, Austria, UTAM-CZ; Italian CNR; Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Universitat fur Angewandte Kunst Wien. Outcome of the school is a book Bertolin, C., Califano, A. and M. Schwai. 2022 CHePiCC Summer School “Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change”, Trondheim, Norway 30th May 2022 – 4th June 2022. 111 pages. ESIS-PH (ISBN 978-88-31482-51-6) published by the ESIS-PH Publisher House. The Booklet is available at the LINK and it contains general information about the school, the program of the carried-out activities, the outcomes and the reports provided by the students. 2023 Event: ESICC Conference 2023 - Energy efficiency, Structural Integrity in historical and modern buildings facing Climate change and Circularity, July 4th, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Participants: 15 countries included Brazil, Colombia, Switzerland and Syria extra EU Countries