ESIS Newsletter 67

Newsletter #67-2021 2 for events like ECF23, where the crucial point is to meet the community, a mere online participation is absolutely not the equivalent to a living, vibrant and exciting event in presence! For all these reasons, I am really excited for the ECF23 in presence, and I am sure that all the ESIS community will join the event with enthusiasm! After the 2020 with all the events that were organized in remote, in 2021 many events were organized by National Groups and by Technical Committees with a “blended” approach. As far as I know, they were all successful, although the number of the participants in presence was often quite limited! However, I think that this confirms how our community is able to adapt to the different conditions, finding always new ways to offer to our members new occasions to meet … at least virtually! Another important news concerns the possibility for non-European countries to join ESIS. We have the first candidate and soon, according to our Statutes, the Council will analyse the candidacy. Concerning Procedia Structural Integrity, I am pleased to confirm that we have a CiteScore (1.4 in 2020 and a 2021 CitescoreTracker value of 1.9, updated to November 2021). Although some events in 2021 have been cancelled or postponed, in the last twelve months we published other six issues… and other issues will be soon online:  Issue 28: 1st Virtual European Conference on Fracture - VECF1 dia-structural-integrity/vol/28/suppl/C  Issue 29: Art Collections 2020, Safety Issue (ARCO 2020, SAFETY) dia-structural-integrity/vol/29/suppl/C  Issue 30: IX Eurasian Symposium on the problems of strength and resource in low climatic temperatures (EURASTRENCOLD2020) dia-structural-integrity/vol/30/suppl/C  Issue 31: 4th International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability, ICSID 2020 dia-structural-integrity/vol/31/suppl/C  Issue 32: XXIIth Winter School on Continuous Media Mechanics dia-structural-integrity/vol/32/suppl/C  Issue 33: 26th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity dia-structural-integrity/vol/33/suppl/C We are grateful to the Guest Editors and to the Authors for the success of this editorial initiative. In order to encourage TCs and National Groups to take advantage of this option, ESIS confirms the support of part of the publication costs (1500 euros as ESIS contribution to Technical Committees and National Groups). In 2022, hoping in a “normal” year, we hope that all our initiatives will find your appreciation and will be successful. A new initiative will involve our YouTube channel: ralIntegritySociety With more than 1700 subscribers and more than 1600 published videos, it is an important and innovative publishing platform. Well, the ESIS Executive Committee decided to assign to each video a DOI, in order to improve their usefulness and their visibility. The DOI assignment procedure will proceed gradually, but we think that in a few months all the videos will have their own DOI. Always focusing the publishing services offered by ESIS, I wish to remember the ESISPublishing House (ESIS-PH). Based on the OMP/PKP platform (Open Monograph Press | Public Knowledge Project), its mission is to offer to all the ESIS members, to the ESIS Technical Committees and to the ESIS National Groups, the possibility to publish online, and completely free of charge, technical publications, monographies (both in English and in National Languages), scholarly editions (both in English and in National Languages), Ph.D. thesis and edited volumes. All the volumes will be available on the platform with a CC-BY license (completely free of charge for the readers) and all the volumes will have their own ISBN code (if requested). For each category of publication, the reviewing procedures are described in the ESISPH website ( The service is active and, please, do not hesitate to submit your works! ESIS members have many advantages: Support for publication: - The four Elsevier journals affiliated with ESIS: Engineering Failure Analysis, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of Fatigue and Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics ( ts/journal). We encourage all the ESIS members to submit their papers in these journals. In addition, special issues are often organized by ESIS events organizers. A list of