A blog for discussing fracture papers

Category: Fracture processes

Discussion of fracture paper #13 – Cohesive properties at ductile tearing

In this review of particularly readworthy papers in EFM, I have selected a paper about the tearing of large ductile plates, namely:

”Cohesive zone modeling and calibration for mode I tearing of large ductile plates”  by P.B. Woelke, M.D. Shields, J.W. Hutchinson, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 147 (2015) 293-305.

The paper begins with a very nice review of the failure processes for plates with thicknesses from thick to thin, from plane strain fracture, via increasing amounts of strain localisation and failure along shear planes, to the thinnest foils that fail by pure strain localisation.

The plates in the title have in common that they contain a blunt notch and are subjected to monotonically increasing load. They are too thin to exclusively fracture and too thick to fail through pure plastic yielding. Instead the failure process is necking, followed by fracture along a worn-out slip plane in the necking region. Macroscopically it is mode I but on a microscale the final failure along a slip plane have the kinetics of mixed mode I and III and, I guess, also mode II. 

A numerical solution of the problem resolving the details of the fracture process, should perhaps be conceivable but highly unpractical for engineering purposes. Instead, the necking region, which includes the strain localisation process and subsequent shear failure is a region of macroscopically unstable material and is modelled by a cohesive zone. The remaining plate is modelled as a power-law hardening continuum based on true stress and logarithmic strains.

The analysis is divided into two parts. First a cross-section perpendicular to the stretching of the cohesive zone is treated as a plane strain section. This is the cross section with a shape in which the parable with a neck becomes obvious. Here the relation between the contributions to the cohesive energy from strain localisation and from shear failure is obtained. A Gurson material model is used. Second, the structural scale model reveals the division of the tearing energy into the cohesive energy and the plastic dissipation outside the cohesive zone. The cohesive zone model accounts for a position dependent cohesive tearing energy and experimental results of B.C. Simonsen, R. Törnqvist, Marine Structures, vol. 17, pp. 1-27, 2004 are used to calibrate the cohesive energy.

It is found that the calibrated cohesive energy is low directly after initiation of crack growth, and later assumes a considerably higher steady state value. The latter is attained when the crack has propagated a distance of a few plate thicknesses away from the initial crack tip position. Calculations are continued until the crack has transversed around a third of the plate width.

I can understand that the situation during the initial crack growth is complex, as remarked by the investigators. I guess they would also agree that it would be better if the lower initial cohesive energy could be correlated to a property of the mechanical state instead of position. As the situation is, the position dependence seems to be the correct choise until it is figured out what happens in a real necking region

I wonder if the investigators continued computing the cohesive energy until the crack completely transversed the plate. That would provide an opportunity to test hypothesises both at initiation of crack growth and at the completed breaking of the plate. The situations that have some similarities but are still different would put the consistency of any hypothesis regarding dependencies of mechanical state to the test. 

I am here taking the liberty to suggest other characteristics that may vary with the distance to the original crack tip position.

The strains across the cohesive zone are supposed to be large compared to the strains along it. This is the motivation for doing the plane strain calculations of the necking process. Could it be different in the region close to the original blunt crack tip where the situation is closer to plane stress than plane strain? The question is of course, if that influences the cohesive energy a distance of several plate thicknesses ahead of the initial crack position.

Another hypothesis could be that the compressive residual stress along the crack surface that develops as the crack propagate, influence the mechanical behaviour ahead of the crack tip. For very short necking regions the stress may even reach the yield limit in a thin region along the crack surface. Possibly that can have an effect on the stresses and strains in the necking region that affects the failure processes.

My final candidate for a hypothesis is the rotation that is very large at the crack tip before initiation of crack growth. In a linear elastic model and a small strain theory, rotation becomes unbounded before crack growth is initiated. A similar phenomenon has been reported by Lau, Kinloch, Williams and coworkers. The observation is that the severe rotation of the material adjacent to a bi-material adhesive lead to erroneous calibration of the cohesive energy. Could this be related to the lower cohesion energy? I guess that would mean that the resolution is insufficient in the area around the original crack tip position.

Are there any other ideas, or, even better, does anyone already have the answer to why the cohesive energy is very small  immediately after initiation of crack growth?

Per Ståhle


Discussion of fracture paper #11 – Fracture processes and phase-field modelling

In the latest volume of Engineering Fracture Mechanics there is an interesting paper about the calculation of crack growth paths by use of a phase field model. The considered material is inhomogeneous and that causes the crack to follow a winding path through the material. The material structure is from a CT scanned micro-structure of a cement-based porous material. The paper is:

”A phase field method to simulate crack nucleation and propagation in strongly heterogeneous materials from direct imaging of their microstructure” by T.T. Nguyen, J. Yvonnet, Q.-Z. Zhu, M. Bornert, C. Chateau, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 139 (2015) pp. 18–39.

The phase field method used, is adopted to fracture analyses. It is according to the authors the first time the method is used in the present context with a modified algorithm to handle the damage due to traction.

The phase field model, suggested by Landau and Lifshitz in E. Phys Zeit Sowjetunion 8:153 (1935) is based on the principles of statistical physics and continuous variation of the structure. The original usage was for thermodynamical studies of solidification, coherent interfaces and other problems where the specific physics of surfaces and interfaces are important. Later the models came to be used to keep track of surfaces and interfaces with less interest in the particular physics of the interfaces. The model was successfully used in mechanics and not the least by many for analyses of growing cracks.

In conventional fracture analyses a known or a postulated crack is required, which is not needed in phase field modelling, as is pointed out by Ngueyen et al. This is a serious drawback in studies of fatigue or stress corrosion whereas a large part of the lifetime of cracks and surface flaws is spent during an initiation phase. Further, crack growth and crack path criteria are obsolete in phase field modelling, since the continuous disintegration of the body is an inherent part of the general structural model. In the work by Ngueyen et al., much of the interest concerns the numerical efficiency of the method, which obviously is paying off as the increased efficiency is demonstrated for crack nucleation and propagation in 2D and 3D geometries taken from images of porous cement-based materials.

A couple of perplexing questions got stuck with me after having read the article. One question is: Did it work with the crack path predictions? Of course the crack grew through the inhomogeneous material following a path that would pass as visually acceptable, but so would a variety of alternative paths. To be more specific, the path is controlled by the fracture processes which in the present case would be the evolving damage in the way that it is governed by the phase-field model. It would be interesting to know what the expected physics are behind the path selected by the proposed model? Is it a path closely following maximum energy release rate as is suggested by the basic principles of the phase-field model, or is it perhaps closer to a pure mode I path since the model is restricted to consider damage solely initiated by tractions? In conventional material modelling these paths become different. I think that similarities between conventional models and the phase field model would give increased confidence to both models and the differences would be interesting to discuss.

Another property of the phase-field model that captured my curiosity is its ability to penetrate bi-material interfaces between materials with different stiffnesses as is observed in the compression cases in the paper. The paradoxical result of brittle materials and sharp cracks is that the crack can only grow from a stiffer to a weaker material whereas the interface is impenetrable in the opposite direction. This was the subject of the ESIS review no. 9. The authors comment that it is desirable to investigate the influence of the length scale, that control the sharpness including the width of the crack tip and the stress level ahead of the crack tip which I agree would be very interesting as regards the described paradoxical behaviour.

Per Ståhle

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