Presentation title Authors DOI A study on failure of double‐layer thermal barrier coatings subjected to uniaxial compression tests using acoustic emission analysis and digital image correlation Marcel Adam, Christian Kontermann, Matthias Oechsner A new procedure for evaluating the R curve under static and impact loading conditions by applying tj V. Grabulov 3D stress fields versus void distributions ahead of a notch tip for semi crystalline polymers L. Laiarinandrasana, N. Selles, Y. Cheng, L. Helfen, T.F. Morgeneyer Interfacial fracture of 3D printed bioresorbable polymers A. Gleadall, J. Allum, A. Ekinci, X. Han, V.V. Silberschmidt, W. Poon Tensile and compression properties of variously arranged porous Ti 6Al 4V structures additively manu S. Raghavendra, A. Molinari, V. Fontanari, M. Benedetti, V. Luchin, G. Zappini, F. Johansson, J. Klarin Bending fracture of Co Cr dental bridges, produced by additive technologies experimental investigati T. Dikova Effect of the geometrical defectiveness on the mechanical properties of SLM biomedical Ti6Al4V latti M. Dallago, M. Benedetti, F. Zanini, S. Carmignato, D. Pasini Experimental tests on new Ttitanium alloy interbody cervical cages G. La Rosa, C. Clienti, R. Mineo Finite element Analysis of Fracture Toughness of Bovine Cortical Bone Effect of Osteonal Micro morph M. Wang, S. Li, V.V. Silberschmidt Surface modification methods for fatigue properties improvement of laser beam welded Ti 6Al 4V butt F. Fornin, B. Klusemann, N. Kasnaev Determination of residual fatigue life of welded structures at bucket wheel excavators through the Use of Fracture Mechanics M. Arsić, S. Bošnjak, N. Gnjatović, S.A. Sedmak, D. Arsić, Z. Savić Development of simplified evaluation method of brittle crack arrest toughness on small‐scale bending test in steels Yuki Nishizono,Tomoya Kawabata, Shuji Aihara