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The joint meeting will be held in Munich, Germany at the Universität der Bundeswehr München.

Thursday, March 27 and Friday, March 28, 2025

Topics of the meeting are simulation methods for the description of damage processes on different length scales as well as numerical methods for failure prediction.

Tentative Agenda:
Thursday 27.3.2025:
11:00: Arrival of the participants Contributed talks
19:00: Communicative evening at the Unicasino (on campus) Friday 28.3.2025
9:00: Contributed talks
13:00: Final round
13:30: End of the meeting,

Deadlines and Submission:
To facilitate the organisation of the meeting, please notify your interest as soon as possible but latest by X-Mas 2024, by email to

Please indicate whether you would like to participate actively with a presentation or passively without a presentation. If possible, state the title of your presentation directly.

Participation Fee:
The participation fee will be € 100,-. Details on payment methods will be given with notification of participation.

Jacques Besson, MINES-ParisTech,
Sebastian Münstermann, RWTH Aachen,
Steffen Gerke, Universität der Bundeswehr München,