On the occasion of the 21st European Conference on Fracture in Catania, ESIS President Prof. Leslie Banks-Sills and ECF21 Chairman Prof. Francesco Iacoviello conferred the ESIS Awards:

– The Griffith Medal

– The Wöhler Medal

– The Award of Merit

– Honorary Membership

– The Young Scientist Award

The Wöhler Medal was awarded to Prof. Paul C. Paris for his fundamental contribution to the fatigue studies. The Griffith Medal was awarded to Prof. Robert Goldstein for his outstanding contributions to fundamental and engineering fracture mechanics. In addition to the two ESIS medals, Prof. Laszlo Toth was given the Award of Merit for his important and longstanding contributions in the development and application of fracture mechanics methods to the study of the Microstructural testing methods, Material selection, testing and technology and Engineering design methods, as well as his service to ESIS, and Prof. Andrzej Neimitz was awarded the Honorary Membership to ESIS for his important contribution in the development  and application of Fracture Mechanics principles and methods, especially in Analysis of dynamic and elastic-plastic crack growth problems, Hydrogen assisted crack growth, and Crack growth modelling, as well as for his service to ESIS. Prof. Donato Firrao and Prof. Tony Kinloch were awarded the ESIS fellowship for their outstanding contributions to the art, science, teaching or practice of fracture mechanics and their service to the Society.

In order to encourage the participation of young scientists and acknowledge their contributions, we also established a special ESIS-Elsevier Young Scientist competition session at ECF21. The ESIS-Elsevier Young Scientist Award First Prize was awarded to Dr. Beatriz Sanz for the paper entitled: Study of the influence of the oxide and concrete parameters on the results of accelerated corrosion tests. The ESIS Elsevier Young Scientist Award Second Prize was awarded to Dr. Evgeniy Merson for the paper entitled: The Use of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy for the 3D Quantitative Characterization of Fracture Surfaces and Cleavage Facets.

Prof. Paul C. Paris receiving his Wöhler Medal and Prof. Robert Goldstein receiving his Griffith Medal.

 Dr. Laszlo Toth receiving the Award of Merit and Prof. Andrzej Neimitz receiving the Honorary Membership to ESIS.

Prof. Donato Firrao, Prof. Tony Kinloch receiving their ESIS fellowship certificates.

Dr. Beatriz Sanz receiving his ESIS-Elsevier Young Scientist Award First Prize award and a cheque for 1000 Euro from Elsevier, and Dr. Evgeniy Merson receiving the ESIS-Elsevier Young Scientist Award Second Prize award and a cheque for 500 Euro. 

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