ECF-14 conferences of ESIS

Professor André Pineau, Chairman of the Awards Committee, was pleased to announce that his tasks were satisfactorily completed following lengthy discussions with his committee members, and that Awards, Medals and Certificates would be presented at the Closing Ceremony of ECF14 on Friday. Additionally, several Certificates had been prepared for presentation to authors who had submitted high-quality publications in the ESIS-sponsored international journal: “Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures” (FFEMS). These certificates would be given to the winners by Professor Ian Howard, who is an Editor of the FFEMS journal. An announcement will be made in a future issue of the journal. The ESIS Medals and Awards for 2002 were as follows:


Professor Wolfgang Brocks

for his outstanding research work in the field of deformation and fracture of metals and in the numerical modeling of ductile an brittle fracture.


Professor Michael W Brown

for all his outstanding contributions to the understanding of fatigue behavior, especially those devoted to multiaxial loading.


Professor Dietrich Munz

for his outstanding contributions in the field of fatigue and fracture materials and structures, and for his work devoted to the development of the European Structural Integrity Society.


Professor Viggo Tvergaard

for his outstanding contributions in the numerical modeling of fatigue, creep and fracture behavior of materials and for the development of related researches in Europe.

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