European Structural Integrity Society

The aim of ESIS is to develop and extend knowledge in all aspects of Structural Integrity and disseminating that knowledge world-wide with the objective of improving the safety and performance of engineering equipment, individual components and structures.

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News from ESIS

  • We are sad to announce the sudden death of Roderick Smith of Oxford on 26th December 2024, his 77th birthday. He died in a tragic accident whilst descending from Grisedale Tarn after an enjoyable family walk in his much loved Lake District. Professor Roderick Smith, ScD, FREng., was the Royal Academy of Engineering Network[...]

  • Download PDF The joint meeting will be held in Munich, Germany at the Universität der Bundeswehr München. Thursday, March 27 and Friday, March 28, 2025 Topics of the meeting are simulation methods for the description of damage processes on different length scales as well as numerical methods for failure prediction. Tentative Agenda: Thursday 27.3.2025: 11:00:[...]

  • The 8th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP 2024) is organised by TC3 Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) and by the Italian Group of Fracture (IGF). The CP 2024 edition will take place in Rimini, Italy and online (10 - 12 September 2024). Main Topics of[...]

In this section you will find a shortcut to all ESIS services

ESIS services

Technical committees

Suscipit risus malesuada in nisi. Amet amet in nisl praesent id arcu quisque.

Procedia Structural Integrity

Suscipit risus malesuada in nisi. Amet amet in nisl praesent id arcu quisque.

ESIS Publishing House

Suscipit risus malesuada in nisi. Amet amet in nisl praesent id arcu quisque.


Suscipit risus malesuada in nisi. Amet amet in nisl praesent id arcu quisque.

In this section you will find a shortcut to all ESIS services

ESIS services

Technical Committees

ESIS TC work on different aspects of Structural Integrity matters.

Technical Committees

They are the most important part of the ESIS organisation. Their activities are supported by ESIS. The strength of each TC is indicated by the number and scientific quality of Committee members together with their output in terms of reports, recommendations, procedure documents, etc.

Procedia Structural Integrity

Procedia Structural Integrity is an open access product.

Procedia Structural Integrity

Procedia Structural Integrity is an open access product focusing entirely on publishing full sets of conference proceedings, enabling fast, world-wide dissemination so that conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue on ScienceDirect.


ESIS Publishing House


ESIS Publishing House (ESIS – PH) allows to ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society) members to publish Monographies and Scholarly Editions (either in English or in one of the National European languages), edited volumes and special technical publications.


This is the ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society) WebTV


Videorecordings of the ESIS events are available since 2014, this channel is used to stream live ESIS events

ESIS has individual, organisational and corporate memberships. Members may register as individual members (Individual registration) or as part of a group membership from a named industrial, commercial, research, or educational organisation by payment of the annual fee (Corporate or National Committees registration).



per year

What’s Included

Full access to ESIS Archive
Esis Google Workspace account
Discount for the partecipation to ECF Events
ESIS newsletter
and other services…

National group


per year

What’s Included

Full access to ESIS Archive
Esis Google Workspace account
Discount for the partecipation to ECF Events
ESIS newsletter
and other services…



per year

What’s Included

Full access to ESIS Archive
Esis Google Workspace account
Discount for the partecipation to ECF Events
ESIS newsletter
and other services…

ESIS YouTube channel

This is the official channel of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS, In this channel are published some of the events that ESIS organized in the last years.


The ExCo that is instructed by and responsible to a Council of delegates representing each European and non European Country (or Group of Countries) affiliated to the Society,

ESIS Executive Committee

Aleksandar Sedmak

Web Activities
Francesco Iacoviello

Vice President
Liviu Marsavina


Vice President
Filippo Berto